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Preserving Multiple Identities in India through Education | Original Article

Jaydip Sanyal*, in Shodhaytan | Multidisciplinary Academic Research


Religious and cultural pluralism is a belief that one can overcome religious and cultural differences between different religions and cultures and conflicts within the same religion as well as culture. For most religious traditions religious pluralism is based on non literal view of one’s religious traditions allowing for respect to be followed between different traditions on core principals rather than on marginal issues. It is an attitude which rejects focus on immaterial differences and instead gives respect to those beliefs held in common. The existence of pluralism depends on the existence of freedom of religion which is when different religions of a particular region possess the same rights of worship and public expression. Freedom of religion is weakened when one religion is given rights or privileges and denied to others. Pluralism is a characteristic of Indian society and it should be definitely preserved. Preserving pluralism through education is the best and humanitarian way of co-existence in a multicultural, multilingual and multi religious society like India. This paper deals with the ways of preserving pluralism through various interventions of education like curriculum, teacher preparation, classroom environment, school administration etc.