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Ethno taxonomical Importance of the Plants near Tapti River at Historical Shahi Qila Fort in District Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India | Original Article

Iftekhar A. Siddiqui*, in Anusandhan | Technology & Management


The Tapti River flows in central India from East to West, between the Godavari and Narmada Rivers. The River is supposedly named after the goddess Tapti, the daughter of Surya Deva, the Sun God, who according to legend founded the kuru Dynasty when she married king samvarna. It inters East Nimar at a distance of 12mile (193Km). From the sources (Multai near Betul). A total of 94 species belonging to 90 genera and 41 families have been reported from near Tapti River at historical Shahi Qila fort in District Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. Ethnotaxonomically most important families are Monocots-2(Liliaceae- 3 species and poaceae- 3 species) and dicots families – 37 (Apocynaceae- 4 species, Asclepidaceae – 2 species, Annonaceae – 1 species, Amaryllidaceae – 1 species, Asteraceae – 2 species, Arecaceae – 1 species, Amarnthaceae – 1 species, Acanthaceae – 1 species, Anacardaceae – 1 species, Caesalpinoideae – 5 species, Casurinaceae – 1 species, Cactaceae – 1species, Convolvulaceae -2 species, Combretaceae – 1species, Cruciferae- 1 species, Caricaceae – 1 species, Cupressaceae -1 species, Cannaceae-1 species, Euphorbiaceae-8 species, Labiatae-2 species, lamiaceae-1 species, Lythraceae-1 species, Leguminosae-1 species, Mimosodeae-3 species, Myrtaceae-3 species, Malvaceae-2 species, Nymphiceae-2species, Orchidaceae-1 species, Moraceae-2 species, papilionaceae-2 species, Moringaceae-1 species, Rhanaceae-1 species, Solanaceae-5 species, Umbelliferae-1 species, Verbenaceae-2 species, Malphigaceae-2 species, Magnoliaceae-1 species, Zygophyllaceae-1 species,Piperaceae-1species etc.) (see images of Ethnotaxanomic flora 1-9 4 , Table no. 1-2 & Graph no.1) Tapti River is under increasing pressure due to drought, erosion and over exploitation, pollution, enchroachment by human activity. The above factors have causes reduction in number of Ethnotaxanomical species as well as wetland area. So these area need conservation of aquatic and wetland species, because wetland is the are which supports aquatic, amphibians and terrestrial life forms. Present study signifies Ethnotaxanomical importance of the plants species occur near Tapti River at historical Shahi Qila fort in district Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.