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ICT Enabled Education for Reaching the Unreached – An Experience of the Jabalpur Based Rajiv Gandhi Project for Elementary Education | Original Article

Sampat Ray Agrawal*, Manoj Roy V., Ajay Kumar Gupta, Chinmoy Kumar Ghosh, in Anusandhan | Technology & Management


Universalization of elementary education is beset with constraints even sixty five years after India got independence. From among those who join some schools there are dropouts at the elementary and secondary levels to the extent of about 60% and the effect is pronounced at the marginalized sectors. Inadequacy in respect of training of the teachers at the primary level is construed as one of the reasons for non-attainment of the goal of ‘Education for All’. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have opened vistas of opportunities as regards increasing the outreach of education, a vital component of which is the use of satellite based communication in teaching-learning transactions. The Rajiv Gandhi Project for EduSat Supported Elementary Education (RGPEEE) is a satellite based communication project dedicated for the purpose of increasing the outreach of elementary education from the students’ point of view and for providing sophisticated training to the teachers at the elementary level. The paper presents a profile of the project with an analysis of the impact created by it on the learners, teachers, guardians and the society at large.