Article Details

The Self Actualization of Entrepreneurs in Government Sector- a Select Study of Higher Level Employees of the Indian Government | Original Article

Simrina Singh*, in Anusandhan | Technology & Management


An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses taking on financial risk. Basic Concept of the entrepreneur is that it organizes, operates for a certain return the focus of the study is on the Government Sector higher level employees. The higher level employees are like Social Entrepreneurs as they work on organizing, operating taking risk and earnestly working on Social and Personal Rate of return. Social Rate of Return means that the return received by the society at large. Personal Rate of return is Self Actualization, Self Satisfaction, Prestige and Honour. They are the social entrepreneurs as they have the power to change the system to enhance the system and in return what they dream of Self Actualization. Hence the paper makes an attempt to understand the Social Entrepreneur Dynamics by evaluating their functioning and communication styles.